ASHRAP is pleased to announce the release of its latest report. ASHRAP 2008© is a compilation of sales of over 27,500 Canadian coins sold on eBay© during calendar year 2007. Only those coins graded by ICCS©, PCGS©, NGC© and CCCS© are included. Prices are averaged when more than one coin of a specific type or grade was sold during the year. All prices realized have been converted to Canadian dollars. Variety numbers from A Charlton Standard Catalogue Canadian Coins have been added.
ASHRAP 2008© provides the reader with the average realized sale prices of Canadian coins posted at the online auction site eBay©. Since knowledge is power, this report provides valuable information to the collector or seller of Canadian coins. Finding or looking up the actual price realized for items you seek is time consuming, inefficient or impossible to obtain.
"The best collector is a knowledgeable collector" and “there is no substitute for knowledge” are important adages to live by. The more you know, the more you grow and will prosper. Knowledge is based on research and study. Specialized reports like ASHRAP 2008© provide information that can transform you from a coin collector into a numismatist.
The absolute rarity of an item that you seek will usually influence its availability in the marketplace. ASHRAP© includes precise information on the market availability of rare or scarce Canadian coins. ASHRAP© should be used in addition to, rather than as opposed to, the population reports issued by third party grading services to provide comprehensive information on rarity and availability.
The true value of any collectible at any given time is the actual selling price adjusted for the knowledge of the buyer and seller and the circumstances of the transaction. Value is generally understood to be the price that a willing and knowledgeable buyer, without the constraints of time or urgency, is prepared to pay a willing and knowledgeable seller, also without the constraints of time or urgency.
Editors of coin catalogues go to great effort to accurately list the current market value of the coins in their catalogues. They solicit input from general and specialist dealers, scan prices realized from major and minor auctions and analyze the offerings in fixed price lists and advertisements in newspapers, journals and other publications. The values published in annual coin catalogues, price lists and newspapers or magazines are an estimate of retail pricing. ASHRAP 2008© involves gathering and reviewing the prices realized from the online auction site eBay©. Information from all of these sources goes a long way to accurately pricing the current value of a coin.
The ASHRAP© report includes is a summary of the purpose and advantages of buying and selling professionally graded coins. The services offered by third party coin certification companies including grading, authentication, classification, and attribution are reviewed.
Included in this years report is a feature article on building your collection. This article provides insights on absolute versus relative rarity, avoiding problem coins, liquidity, determining your reasons for collecting and the “Greater Fool Theory”.
Randy Ash
2005 14 Ave. Wainwright,
Telephone: (780) 842-9134